Self Publishing
We have helped many people and organisations publish their own books, including Family History, Historical, Poetry, Novels, Children's Books, Technical Manuals and limited reprints of books out of print.
In simple terms the Publisher is the person who pays to produce the books. Thus, in a Self Publishing role, you pay us to produce a specified number of books for you. It is then up to you to distribute or sell them.

To produce a run of books there are two key elements of cost:
Setup or Artwork Cost: This includes typing the text, scanning photos, designing the covers and setting it all up in "page layout" format ready for printing.
Production Cost: Includes printing the contents and the covers, assembly and binding/stapling.
The cost of Artwork done by us varies from book to book, depending on how much the author is able to do for themselves, and how much they want us to do. In some cases we will do all the typing, in others the author will present us with whole manuscript as a ready-typed computer file. The quantity, standard, and cost of books produced can vary greatly depending on the requirements and budget of the publisher.
Printing Family History & Historical Books
Family History
For some customers, all we do is make copies of old photos to be sent off to other family members.
For other customers we go as far as setting and printing family history books complete with full colour photos and copies of historical documents.
The following outlines some of the things we do that may help your family history project.
Copying photos
We copy photos, full colour or black and white, while you wait. The process we use is fast, safe and effective and you can even watch while we do it, so your precious photos never actually leave your sight. Customers are constantly amazed that the quality of the copies is as good as the originals. A fast and effective way to make up copies of historical photos to send off to the rellies.
We copy, reduce, or even enlarge, maps.
Genealogy Charts
These come in all shapes and sizes. Circular or rectangular, even up to several metres long. We have the best equipment in Dubbo for copying or reducing your records.
Copying Family Records
With a number of digital copiers, colour copiers and plan printing machines to choose from, we can offer a safe and effective way to copy your valuable family records and maps.
A Family History Book
This can be as simple or as complex as you want to make it.
It could be several pages of notes where all we do is run off several copies with a staple in the top left corner. Or it could be several hundred pages resulting from painstaking research that you want printed, in full colour of course, and bound as hard covered books with a print run in the thousands.
(It does happen, some family "reunions" are organised on a global scale).
A more typical example will run from 80 to 100 A4 pages including scanned maps and photos. In some cases the original will have been prepared by the customer as a MS-Word file. In other cases we may need to type the text from hand-written notes, or, more usually, we will refine files that have been typed, but not fully laid out, by the customer.